Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It’s Beautiful to be Yourself

Global efforts to empower women and achieve gender equality are at the forefront of human rights struggles in the twenty-first century, applicable in Germany, the US, and Poland. As members of the group dedicated to women’s empowerment, we believe that both women and men have roles to play when it comes to fighting for gender equality. 

Our group, comprised of two women and one man, has worked together to contribute to positive societal change.

Our top choice for the issue in Polish society we wanted to research and address was women’s empowerment, but we were not immediately sure what specific topic would be measurable and achievable. After meeting with my assigned group and partnering with MamyGłos, an NGO dedicated to the empowerment of Polish teenage girls, we discussed how the increasing influence of globalization and neoliberalism has led to a great rise in advertisements around the world featuring women with unrealistic beauty standards. It was clear to us that increased body shaming and decreased body positivity are issues that need to be addressed.

Our campaign centered around the creation of five videos of young women sharing their own body stories and what makes them unique. We created graphics for our initiative and used the MamyGłos Facebook page to spread our message. Within a few hours our first video garnered over 8,000 views and the MamyGłos page increased by over 280 likes. As of mid-July, this initial post reached over 108,000 Facebook users. Moreover, numerous women have already submitted videos to document their own body story. Our ultimate goal is that teenage girls will see these videos and make their own to empower themselves, their friends, and other girls. Fortunately, MamyGłos will be administering the campaign even after the 2017 Humanity in Action Poland program concludes, eventually culminating with them dedicating funds to body positivity workshops around Poland.

From the beginning, there was a strong group consensus on the importance of addressing the issue of body shaming. Related to personal observations and experiences, each of us wanted to create an impactful campaign to bring positive change within Polish society. Although we easily agreed on the topic, we soon realized it was difficult to narrow down. This was mainly due to our topic's applicability to all people of all ages and identities, whose experiences and awareness toward body shaming vary significantly.  As such, we had to accept the fact that, in order to create an efficient and clear message, we would have to limit ourselves.

Our main challenge was to decide on our target group, ultimately Polish teenage girls, and then decide on an applicable campaign format to successfully reach out to them. “Killing our darlings” was an insightful challenge, since it meant to dismiss overly-ambitious ideas, which required us to distant ourselves from personal agendas. Our group consisted of three strong individuals with different gender identities and life stories. Rather than inhibiting our group's success, however, our differences were a source of inspiration. Empathy, compromise, and especially clear communication were all necessary to channel each person's skills and expectations regarding the working process and final outcome. In the end, each one of us complemented one another and combined our passions to create a successful #bodystory campaign to play a small role in addressing gender inequality around the globe
Needless to say, this was exactly the type of hands-on work for which we were looking. Additionally, this entire process has been indispensable in our journey to better understanding women’s empowerment. Throughout this process, we learned about the personal stories of five incredible women. One of our group members, Ola, shared her story about learning to love herself despite societal beauty norms. We believe stories like Ola’s are exactly what also needs to be seen on a young girl’s newsfeed. Our sincere hope is that at least one young girl watched it and was inspired by the message. Over the next months, to truly impact our target group of Polish teenage girls requires dedication and persistence in sharing our five videos, promoting the hashtag, and spreading our message of body positivity. As such, we dedicated ourselves to create videos, graphics, and sharing our message so MamyGłos will continue our work. We anticipate as our other videos become published, more people will both view and share them to increase awareness about the #bodystory campaign.

Ultimately, this campaign has shown us the potential influence of body positivity and how it relates to gender socialization. Finally, focusing on women’s empowerment in Polish society has shown us the beauty of human rights advocacy. These issues are not limited to one nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender identity or any identifying factor. These issues are transnational. This experience has reinforced our preconceived notion that, as human rights activists, we must recognize the inherent dignity of every person and bring out the best in the world. For women in our global society, promoting topics like body positivity can move us forward on our long journey for gender equality.

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